Affordable Housing Changes Everything


The Heartbeat of Lumina Partners

Affordable housing changes everything. If people don’t have a quality place to rest their heads at night, they won’t flourish. This basic human need trickles down to every aspect of society. Safety, a home, and a good night’s rest changes lives. At Lumina Partners we are committed to shining a light and being a force for good in affordable housing. We do this in three ways.

“Housing is a human right. There can be no fairness or justice in a society in which some live in homelessness, or in the shadow of that risk, while others cannot even imagine it.”

— Jordan Flaherty, journalist and author

What We Do

  • Down to the Basics

    Lumina Partners provides affordable housing for people who desperately need a place to call home.

  • Using Our Voice

    Lumina Partners advocates for the cause of affordable housing across the country.

  • Offering Expertise

    Lumina Partners guides affordable housing professionals with expertise in all areas including compliance.

Working with Affordable Housing Industry Professionals Across the Country

“There is a shortfall of over 7 million units across the country for those household making 30% or less of the Area Median Income.”

— Greg Proctor, Founder & CEO of Lumina Partners